About SOBA

Who We Are

The States Organization for Boating Access (SOBA) is the collective voice of public boating access in the United States.

Established in 1986, SOBA is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to improving access to waterways by promoting the public acquisition, development and maintenance of recreational boating facilities.


Mission Statement

We are the voice of our state and territory members on public recreational boating access.

Vision Statement

The States Organization for Boating Access will foster collaboration among members and be a recognized advocate for recreational boating programs that provide public access and other boating amenities. 


Goal Statements

  • Engage members and partners in creating resources and opportunities in education and training.
  • Achieve membership from every state and territory.
  • Expand industry, NGO, and federal partnerships to positively impact state programs.
  • Increase membership engagement in support of organization priorities.
  • Inform members on relevant legislation, rules, and federal funding issues and provide collective comments to federal partners on behalf of members.

Our Members

SOBA members are state boating officials from all 50 states and five territories, as well as a wide range of other boating organizations, engineering firms, consultants, manufacturers and suppliers interested in public boating access.